Drug Store Directory

Welcome to PharmacyFind.ca

We provide a directory of pharmacies/drug stores/chemists and related companies across Canada. Included in this pharmacy-related directory are maps, telephone numbers, fax numbers, addresses and directions. Not only do we include drug stores, but also pharmaceutical companies, consultants and government agencies.

We also support listing by city to find other drug stores where you live, so select a province to start.

Please leave comments on any errors that you may find or other general comments. Our goal, however, is not to allow comments for the purposes of reviewing or complaining about any particular location/person.

Pharmacies and related companies in:

  1. British Columbia
  2. Alberta
  3. Saskatchewan
  4. Manitoba
  5. Ontario (Major subcities: Toronto, Hamilton, London, Ottawa, Windsor)

  6. Quebec
  7. New Brunswick
  8. Nova Scotia
  9. PEI
  10. Newfoundland